Masakan arab








40 min

4 orang


Masakan arab


  • 250g kacang kuda kering
  • 2 ulas bawang putih
  • 1/4 cawan daun parsely
  • garam secukup rasa
  • 1 cmt baking soda
  • 1 cmt ground corainder
  • 1 tsp cumin powder
  • minyak untuk goreng terendam
  • sumac-garnishing
  • bijan-optional
  • Rendam kacang kuda semalaman bersama baking soda dan tapis hingga kering airnya. Remove the chickpea mixture to a large bowl salt to taste and mix together well. The mixture should have a fairly dry, crumbly texture. Add a little water if it is too dry to form balls with your hand. Adjust seasoning to taste. Form the mixture into 1-inch balls or ovals and then flatten slightly and sprinkle with seseme on the top before frying. I use falafel mould/spoon. Heat oil in a heavy skillet over medium-high heat. Drop patties a few at a time into the hot oil and brown well on both sides, about 4 to 5 minutes. Remove the browned from the oil and drain on a plate lined with paper towels and sprinkle with summac on the top (only one side). Repeat with the remaining patties or you can frozen your patties for a few weeks. Falafel can be served on its own with sauce. Or stuff it in pita bread halves with tomatoes, cucumbers and onions and eat it like a sandwich.
    Tamiyah (Egypt): Falafel is usually made with fava beans in Egypt. Substitute some or all of the chickpeas with small, dried favas. Instead of breadcrumbs, use a piece of pita bread. Just process it into crumbs in the food processor first. Some recipes call for the addition of 1 egg. This helps hold the mixture together as it cooks.
  • Dalam Food Processor:- masukkan kacang kuda, bawang putih, cumin, ground corainder dan daun parsely.
  • Ambil adunan bulat- bulatkab sebesar bola ping pong letakkan pada acuan khas falafel (kalau tak de bulat2 kan dan past tu leperkan jr sikit.)dan buat sikit lubang di tengahnya. Kalau terlalu kering tambahkan sedikit air pada adunan.
  • Taburkan sedikit bijan di atasnya dan goreng dalam minyak yg panas hingga gokden brown lebih kurang 4-5 minit, angkat dan keringkan pada kitchen towel. (saya tak add bijan sebba malas nak tukar minyak.hihihiā€¦)
  • Buat sampai habis dan sebelum hidang kalu suka taburkan sedikit sumac.
    Falafel ni boleh di frozenkan, bila nak guna baru keluarkan dan goreng.

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